People who are being abused often recognize these symptoms for themselves:
- Your partner is jealous of things you have going for you, your good moods, your friends, your family, your coworkers, attention from strangers.
- You are closely watched or monitored.
- It’s hard to do anything right, there’s no escaping criticism or attacks. Criticism is frequent, seeminly constant and inevitable.
- You feel as though you have to walk on eggshells.
- Everything is a struggle, communication rarely or simply doesn't work or happen.
- You are made to feel completely and solely responsible for anything and everything that goes wrong.
- Whatever you think, say, or do gets turned around into something you didn’t mean or intend, maybe so much so that you’re not even sure of yourself anymore.
- There is no trust. Intimacy feels strange, forced, even violating.
- You are afraid of or intimidated by your partner. (Your partner may do, have done or have said something that you can’t get out of your mind.)
- You are unable to leave.
- There are things you can’t talk about or tell others in your life.
- You feel isolated and alone.
If even a few of these experiences apply to you, contact me for professional help.